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o Issue N# 5 - 2004 o


Voice after supracricoid partial laryngectomy: Comparison of two phonatory mechanisms.

Authors : V. Woisard, A. Rollet, M. Puech, E. Serrano, J. J. Pessey (Toulouse)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2004;125,5:319-324.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Introduction: Different laryngeal phonatory mechanisms may be observed at long term after supracricoid laryngectomy. For this study two mechanisms are differentiated. The «dilated» mechanism is the consequence of a forward movement of the neolarynx creating a new resonance cavity. The «contracted» mechanism tallies with the backward contraction of the base of the tongue and the contraction of the posterior pharyngeal wall compressing the neolarynx. Objective: The aim of the study is to determine if the voice outcome is different between these two kinds of mechanisms. Material and method: The method is based on the selection of a homogeneous group: 12 patients operated by cricoepiglottopexy with a follow up superior to two years and with a stable voice and a full neoglottic closure during phonation. The voice quality and the phonatory mechanism are analysed. Regarding voice assessment, a self evaluation with the vocal handicap index adapted for the study and the GRBAS scale are carried-out. Frequency (usual, minimum, maximum, range) and loudness are used to appreciate the vocal capacities. The phonatory mechanism is studied by videolaryngostroboscopy, performed tongue free, with a normal /e/ and a high-low transition pitch. Results: The outcomes point out a difference between the two mechanisms. The best vocal results are observed in the «dilated» mechanism for the studied parameters and mainly for the frequency parameters. Conclusion: The discovery of numerous phonatory mechanisms after supracricoid laryngectomy independent from neoglottic closure lead us to further studies of the impact of this type of surgery on articulatory patterns.

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